Since 1998, 718 Children that have been left in vehicles have died of heatstroke. All of these deaths could have been prevented.


  1. Heat stroke is the leading cause of non-crash, vehicle-related deaths in children under 15.

2. Heatstroke can happen when the body is not able to cool itself quickly enough. A child’s body heats up three to five times faster than an adult does.
– When left in a hot car, a child’s major organs begin to shut down when his temperature reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit (F).
- A child can die when his temperature reaches 107 degrees F.

3. Cars heat up quickly! In just 10 minutes, a car can heat up 20 degrees F.

4. Cracking a window and/or air conditioning does little to keep it cool once the car is turned off.

5. Heatstroke can happen when the outside temperature is as low as 57 degrees F.


  1. Set a Reminder – use your phone, necessary item placed in seat with child & task child care provider to call if late
  2. Always Check – make checking the back seat before locking the vehicle part of your daily routine
  3. Avoid Distractions – distractions (such as cell phone, passengers) & changes to daily routines increase risks
  4. Lock your Car – ensure that a child is not able to gain entry to your vehicle without your knowledge & vehicle is never used as a hiding space, especially the trunk
  5. Take Action – if you see a child alone in a car

    If Child is unresponsive or in distress – IMMEDIATELY:
    1. Call 911
    2. Get Child Out of Care
    3. Spray Child with Cool Water (not in ice bath)

    If Child is not in distress and is responsive:
    1. Stay with Child until help arrives
    2. Ask Someone to search for child care giver or driver of vehicle

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